Wallpaper is a brilliant way to add style and character to your home! Unfortunately, it’s had a bad rap in recent years because of the faded floral wallpaper that was in everyone’s grandmother had in their home growing up, but there are SO many wallpaper options these days that you are bound to find a paper that speaks to you.
We often like to add wallpaper to a laundry room or powder room to add a splash of bold style to otherwise overlooked rooms. You can see examples of this is our Elegant Feminine Estate and Fashionable Farmhouse projects! We’ve also used it on headboard walls as an accent, like in our Zen Modern Manor project.
However, wallpaper can be used in other, unexpected ways other than on the walls for even more exciting uses of wallpaper! Here are some of our favorite ways to use wallpaper, other than on your walls:
On the Ceiling
Why not add wallpaper to the 5th wall – the ceiling! We can’t get enough of this office from Kristen Fountain Designs.
On Stair Risers
Add wallpaper to your stair risers for a pop of pattern. Go bold and colorful like the staircase we found on Spoonflower Blog or more understated, like the stairs from Bower Power Blog. Both are a blast!
In the Closet
Another example of an often-overlooked space is the cloest. Why not add a pop of style by adding wallpaper, like Lauren McBride Blog did!
Backing Shelving
We love this trick!! If you aren’t feeling bold enough to add wallpaper to a large surface, consider adding it to the back of a bookcase. You can see examples of this above from Marika Meyer Interiors and Decorpad.com.
Cover Your Plates
Cover your wall plates with wallpaper too so it blends in with the pattern! Learn how here.