Rebecca’s Collection
Over on the RWD shop, Rebecca has curated a collection of accessories, art, and accent furniture that reflects her personal design style. Rebecca...
10 of Our Favorite Film Interiors
The Parent Trap (1998) Directed by Nancy Meyers, Production Design by Dean Tavoularis We are starting this list off strong with a Nancy Meyers film...
Project Highlight: Rustic Ranch
This living space was once divided by several walls, with the entry, living room, dining room, and kitchen each having their own defined spaces. Our...
The Wide World Tile Patterns and Shapes
The Basics When it comes to tile patterns and shapes, there are many many options. It can be easy to get lost in the variety of styles and design...
Furniture Investment Guide
It is important to understand what it will cost to furnish your space. In this investment guide, we will break down estimated costs of furniture...
Remodel Budget and Timeline Guide
Did you know that we have a Resources page on the Rebecca Ward Design website? It's full of free downloads with information to help you start your...
Project Highlight: Simply Serene
The story of this project begins in 2016 when Rebecca first met these lovely clients! They were living in the Sacramento region (our main service...
Let’s Talk: Scale of Art in the Home
So, how do you choose what size art you should get for your home? It's all about scale and proportion, which refers to how well your art fits in...
Podcast Round-Up
If you are like us, you love a good podcast. One of the cool things about podcasts is that there are podcasts for ANY interest you can think of! The...
Our Favorite Coffee Table Books
Image Source Some of us on the RWD team have a real obsession with coffee table books. You can really never have too many! But what makes a great...
A Word from Our Intern, Chelsea
Reflecting on my time as an intern at Rebecca Ward Design, brought me to think about what I assumed I would be doing in my daily tasks. To my...
The Magic of Thriving in Small Spaces
The ideal living spaces are big, bright, and full of opportunity, but what about the spaces that seem impossible for relaxation and creativity?...
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