Happy Clients, Happy Designer

Happy Clients, Happy Designer

Happy clients make a happy designer.  It’s so rewarding to get positive feedback!  I had two more successful presentations earlier this week but no more planned for a while so I can finally catch up on everything.  I’ve been busy with work lately, about...
Now Presenting…

Now Presenting…

This morning I presented my design concept to my orange-loving client and it was well received.  A few tweaks here and there and then we can get everything ordered and on its way.  Here is the presentation board including my quick sketch rendering. It’s nice to...
Orange on the Side

Orange on the Side

I’m completing a design package for one of my clients.  I’m nearly finished and am pulling together some photos of the orange accents I’m sprinkling throughout the house.  My client really likes orange.  When discussing counter top possibilities with...
Making Progress

Making Progress

Since so many of you ask about what I’m working on right now, I thought I would show you. This is one of my clients right now that is pulling together pretty well. It’s a remodel of a condominium. The major design challenge for this project is: WHITE. This...