I recently had an “a-ha” moment where everything just clicks into place. This one was regarding Kitchen and Bath design. I have to confess that these moments are often followed with a feeling of semi-stupidity for not recognizing the thing earlier when now it is so obvious!
At any rate, my “a-ha” moment was almost immediately followed by my jumping on my iphone, the closest computer to me, and registering myself for a membership to NKBA, the National Kitchen and Bath Association. While filling out the forms, I pondered the reason this made me feel a bit stupid for not doing this earlier. I mention frequently to people how many cabinet drawings for kitchen and bath remodels I have been doing recently and the fact that I love working with tile to create creative backsplashes in the kitchen, flooring patterns and shower wall designs. I am spending a lot of my design time in kitchens and bathrooms and enjoying it, why not join an association where that’s all they talk about? Makes sense to me. It would most likely open up more opportunities for my business as well.
Now after looking of the website and benefits of membership, I have to say that you will probably find me signing up to become a certified kitchen and bath designer (a CKD and CBD) before the year is out. But first I must pass my interior design certification exam, which is a few weeks away.