Design Styles Defined: Midcentury

Design Styles Defined: Midcentury

It’s the late 1950’s, and you’re invited to a dinner party at a friend’s house. As you walk through the front door and make your way to the dining room, you glance briefly into the living room and… What does the sofa look like? If...
Design Styles Defined: Traditional

Design Styles Defined: Traditional

There’s a reason why some things never go out of style – they’re classic. Take Debussy’s Claire De Lune, or Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, for example. The former was composed over a hundred years ago, and the latter was painted half...
Design Styles Defined: Putting Your Style into Words

Design Styles Defined: Putting Your Style into Words

We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a conversation, and a friend asks you to describe an experience that’s unfamiliar to them. Maybe it’s a a foreign city you recently explored, or a delicious meal full of new flavors. You...