Dec 21, 2016
Everybody loves a crackling fire, twinkling lights, and good dose of holiday cheer. But let’s be honest – the holidays can be a stressful time, especially when it comes to finding the perfect gift for EVERYONE IN YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. And what about that one...
Oct 13, 2016
We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a conversation, and a friend asks you to describe an experience that’s unfamiliar to them. Maybe it’s a a foreign city you recently explored, or a delicious meal full of new flavors. You...
Dec 17, 2010
Today I’m in the land of bright fabrics. I’m surrounded by names like Volcano, Tobasco, Poppy and Red Pepper while narrowing down my choices for the project I’m working on. So many options and great fabrics, so little things to apply them to. ...