Reclaiming Wood in Interiors

Reclaiming Wood in Interiors

I am loving the look of reclaimed wood furniture and flooring.  It’s so natural and “green” that it makes me happy to simply see the wonderful pieces cropping up everywhere.  I noticed the reclaimed wood being featured all over the Las...
You Can Take That to the Furniture Bank

You Can Take That to the Furniture Bank

I was sadly unaware of the existence of furniture banks until I went to the Why Green, Why Not? symposium in Las Vegas this month, as I mentioned in my blog here.  Kathy Ireland mentioned it as a way to be green.  I wasn’t the only one not in the loop...
Went to Market

Went to Market

I got back from a quick trip to the World Market Center in Las Vegas where the winter furniture market is going on right now.  I had never previously had a chance to go see the showrooms so I thought this was as good of a time as any.  It is quite the...